A custodian's job and work often goes unnoticed until there is a problem. Starting in my first year, I got to know the custodians as they cleaned my classroom every afternoon. I’ve tried to make it a point each year to get to know the custodians who ensure my classroom is clean and looking nice and it has paid off. My first three years, I can remember the custodians walking by my classroom to check on me throughout the day to make sure I didn’t need anything. One day in particular I was teaching at the board and I noticed someone dancing by my classroom door window and it was them. I always found that they were going above and beyond in my classroom and I thanked them for all they were doing and tried to do my part as well. Last year, in my 10th year, I did a cut and glue activity which always results in a mess however, this level of mess was one I had never seen before. I tried to clean my classroom but little pieces were EVERYWHERE and so I warned the head custodian and apologized. When I came into the classroom the next day my room shined, it was spotless. I immediately went to let the head custodian know how amazing my room was. I learned that a new custodian who had been working so hard had just been switched to cleaning my room. She had a huge smile on your face when I told her how much I appreciated what she had done. I know we are all busy but take a minute or two each day to get to know them, learn when their birthday is, learn about their families, and learn what you can do to make their life a little easier. At my current school it makes their life easier if the kids put their chairs on top of the desk at the end of the day, this is a 2 second task for each student which saves them a lot of time. We have to work together. Thank you to all the custodians who work hard day in and day out without anyone noticing, you rock.
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