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Showing posts from June, 2022

Long Division Google Sheets

  In making my long division worksheets, I prefer to make them in Google Sheets. Here's a quick video on how.

Long Division in Google Docs

  I was making a long division worksheet for my students in Google Docs when I realized that it wasn't under equations. Here's how to insert it.  This does not look very pretty so I have another video on how I do it in Google Sheets which takes longer but looks nicer. 

Task Cards with Canva Backgrounds

  I wondered how teachers had the time to create so many detailed and nice looking task cards.  I've learned that Canva is a quick answer to this and makes creating them easy and fast.  Here's a video on how I take what I created and make it into task cards.  My previous post shows you how to create the background.

Using Canva for Backgrounds

  Have you ever wondered how teachers have time to make all the creative backgrounds?  I know I did so, I started looking into it and found Canva is a great way too.  I started using Canva for backgrounds this year.  Here is how I use it to create the background. Next, I'll show how how I take the background and make it into task cards. 

Watermelon Pixel Art Template

  This is a template set for 10 questions. I have provided a video below on how to update it, it is very simple, you will not need to reformat.  The picture will start yellow and change to the watermelon slice as students answer questions correctly, the questions can be answered in any order and the picture will respond.  Watermelon Pixel Art Template

Summer Learning

  Learning doesn't have to stop just because it's summer.  You can incorporate math into daily things that you do.  For example, if you are driving to the beach and it takes 2 hours to get there, ask them how many minutes it would take. If they are older, you make it more challenging and ask how many seconds or have them calculate how long it would take if you went 65mph vs 60mph.  Often times, I hear that kids eat so much more when they are home.  The kitchen is a great place to practice fractions, addition, and multiplication.  One way to do this is to give them only 1 tsp measuring item and 1 cup.  I would recommend using the 1/2 tsp and the 1/4 cup.  Look through recipes together and have them make the recipe using only those 2 measuring items.  This is a good way to discuss how to make other measurements from what you have.   These are just a few way to incorporate math into the summer months.  

How to Create a Number Line

You can use the Desmos Graphing Calculator to create a nice number line.  Here's a quick video on how.  

Buy Nothing Groups - Classroom Supplies

  Almost 2 years ago, I learned about Buy Nothing Groups.  The buy nothing group is just like it sounds, you buy nothing.  Theses groups are all over facebook and are based in your area, so it's neighbors helping neighbors.  At the end of last year as I packed up my classroom to move, I had supplies that I couldn't move with me so I posted them on the group and was able to help other teachers.  These groups focus on helping fill neighbors needs and sharing out of your abundance.   This year, people have posted needs for supplies, clothing for students, and more and they are met by neighbors.  During the pandemic, people posted extra food they had to share and ways they could help someone.  I know that teachers spend a lot of money on supplies for students so I'd highly recommend seeing if you have a group in your area to join.  It's also great if you have extra supplies from a classroom project, you can give to another teacher or family ...

Medal Pixel Art Template

  This template is similar to my other templates, however, it has a place for a picture.  This would be a great template to use if you want students to look at a picture or passage and answer questions about it.  I have included a video on how to update the template, it is quick as you only need to change the answer key on sheet 2.  Medal Template

End of Year Google Drive

  Most schools have an end of year checklist or to do list before teachers can leave. One item that is not on there but could be helpful is to organize your Google Drive.  If you don't use folders in your drive I'd recommend taking the time to do some organizing now.  My folder outline is school year, subject, and then each unit.  If you are just starting, you could do just the school year for now and start off fresh in the fall.  

End of Year Reflection Template

  As we approach the end of the year, I'd encourage you to do a reflection with your students.  This reflection is available at the link below.  The video shows you how to create your own. Reflection Activity

Positive and Challenge Form

  The last few years have brought many challenges.  About 5 years ago, a coworker shared about doing a positive form for the students and sharing it with them at the end of the year.  I made this Google Form for students to share something positive and a challenge they overcame each week. This is really helpful if a student is struggling at some point or needs a pick me up.  As exams approached some students expressed worry so I shared somethings that they have overcome already this year.   The positive and challenges don’t have to be math related they can be anything.  As a teacher, these provide an additional insight into what your students are facing that they may not share out loud.  Before our big State Test, you can sort the spreadsheet and print off everything they've overcame and all the positive things from the school year.  They can see just how far they have come.  Positive and Challenge Form

Add a Timer to Google Slides

  As we approach the end of the year, I've found that a timer is needed more often for students to stay on task.  This is a quick way to input a timer on a slide in Google Slides.  I like to put the timer on the directions slide so they can see the directions and remaining time.

Desmos Calculator Count by 1's

  Each year teaching slope on a graph is a challenge.  To add to the challenge, the axis on Desmos typically only shows numbers on the axis by 2's or 5's.  This makes learning to count slope even more of a challenge.  There is a way you can fix this though.  You can also add the axis labels and arrows.  Here's a quick video on how.