As we approach the end of the year, it's a good time to reflect. I like to ask my students several questions typically in a padlet. I ask them what they learned about themselves, what they loved about the class, what they disliked about the class, and what they would change. The post are anonymous and all the students can see their peers reply. I've learned that something I do seem small or pointless to me and they mean a lot to them. For example, on Friday's I hold an optional review and at the end of the reviews we play gimkit. I play gimkit with them on these days. Some students come to the reviews Friday just to play gimkit with me. My students this year love to play the guess what game. I have a chat open during class where student can direct message me questions, concerns, or thoughts. My students enjoy asking me to guess what, without any context. This seems silly but it's help build a connection with ...