My passion is teaching student with disabilities. This is often met with questions of REALLY? or you really want the inclusion class? Yes, I do want the inclusion class, yes I want those classes with those students. This leads to the question of why. A big reason I love teaching inclusion classes is because of my coteachers. A big reason my students are successful is because we are a team. Coteaching takes work, communication, and respect. I see on social media, blogs, and other places that teachers want to be respected and yet many times our special education teachers are disrespected by their coteachers or teachers in the building. The special education who has a degree just like we have a degree. I've had the privilege to teach alongside many amazing coteachers who worked just as hard, if not harder than me. I'm going to share what has lead our students to success in the various schools, grades, and subjects that I have cotaught. First, it starts with respect.