As we end the 1st month of school, try giving the students and yourself a boost by giving out a student of the month award. It may sound simple but I started a student of the month award in my classroom with a mini trophy. Prior to giving out any awards I outlined what it would take to win it. My student of the month didn’t have to earn A’s all the time; to qualify they needed to work hard, seek help when needed, be responsible for your actions, and be respectful. Each class had 2 winners per month. When you won student of the month you received a certificate, mini trophy, and some classroom cash. The criteria to win allowed me to recognize students who would often go unnoticed in a classroom because they weren't the top student but they also never caused behavioral problems. I emailed parents of the winners each month and the parents were excited to see that their child was being seen in the classroom. Since every kid could possibly win, students who were struggling started to sh...