After 10 years of teaching and writing thousands of bathroom passes I found a system that is simple, quick, and hassle free. I bought these hooks and lanyards from amazon. I use 1 of each color to represent a different location a student may ask to go. I wrote on a piece of paper the location the lanyard represented and slipped it into the lanyard pocket. My locations are library, nurse, boys bathroom, girls bathroom, office, guidance counselor, locker and water. When a student wants to go to one of those places they fill out the clipboard which hangs beside the passes, grab the lanyard, and go. The students and myself know what each color represents so if the blue water lanyard is missing, a student wanting to go get water knows they need to wait. This simplified passes and highly decreased classroom interrupts from students wanting or needing to go places. If you are looking to add supplies such as these to your classroom and need funding to do so, you can create a donorschoose project, here is more information on how to create a donorschoose project.
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