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Showing posts from March, 2022

Creating a Histogram in Sheet

  We are getting ready to cover creating and then analyzing histograms. As part of the Unit, I am having the students collect data, create a histogram, and write questions for their peers to answer.  This is a quick video on how you or your students can create a histogram in Google Sheets. 

Gimkit Tag Domination

  Gimkit came out with a new mode called Tag: Domination.  This is currently one of my students favorite modes(fishtopia is the other).  This game is similar to physical tag.  Students are split into 2 teams.  To earn energy to run and get upgrades, students must correctly answer questions.  The time to tag and run away alternate and students can see which one they are in on the top left of the screen.  At the end, the team with the most tag win. 

Setting Email Boundaries

  I've found that communication especially emails are a place that teachers and families struggle with boundaries.  Most of us have the emails set to come to our phones which is great during the work day but that also means you get them at night, weekends, and on breaks.  Last year, I started setting up an Out of Office Reply for parents and students to receive.  At first, I still received a large amount of emails over the weekend but they knew I wasn't going to reply and it was reinforced with the automated email they received.  I started using this, again this year and a month or so into the school year I started to only receive 1-2 emails on the weekend.  I no longer have to set my auto reply on the weekend because they no longer expect me to reply, they know I won't reply until Monday.  This is also great for days that you are out, on breaks, or even at night.   I recommended this to my coworkers last year and they shared how nice it was....

Real World Proportions

  If you haven't taught proportions yet this year, I would highly recommend using kool-aid to introduce this lesson. 

Desmos Pacing

  If you are looking for a way to pace the students I would recommend Desmos pacing.  The pacing allows you to limit what the students can see. This is similar to the pause button but it doesn't stop everything, it lets to go to specific slides.  When you are ready for them to have more slides, you can click the + to add a slide.  

Inequality Practice

  This activity has 2 parts. The first part students are given a set of inequalities to sort based on whether the inequality would have an open circle or a closed circle.  The second activity, has the students solve the question and paste the answer into the answer box. After solving, they graph their answer on the number line. Inequality Practice

Square Roots of Perfect Squares

  This is a pixel art activity which has 12 square root questions.  The numbers range from 1-20 for the perfect squares. Square Root of Perfect Squares

Square Roots of Perfect Squares

  This activity has students find the square root of perfect squares. The perfect squares range from 1-20. The students must answer the questions in order for the puzzle to respond.   Square Roots of Perfect Slide Puzzle

Pi Day Slides Background

Pi Day is coming. If you need a simple background for an activity, these are slides you can use.  You can add images, text, or more them. Pi Day Slides    

Plotting and Writing Points

  This activity has 2 different parts for students for students. First, the students plot points by either dragging and dropping or writing on paper.  Second, the students type or write where the points are located. Plotting and Writing Points

Direct Variation Pixel Art

  In this activity, students calculate the constant of variation from a set of ordered pairs.  Two of the answers are decimals/fractions.  Write each answer as a fraction when necessary and type the answer as k=.  On the right side, type the equation for each set of ordered pair.  Direct Variation

Fraction Equations Pixel Art

  In this activity, students will be solving equations that start as fractions on one side. There are 14 questions in this activity. To view the questions, click on preview. Each answer should be written as x=. Fraction Equations Pixel Art

Factoring Trinomial Leading not 1

  In this activity, student will factor 12 trinomials.  When they factor, the factor with the largest leading coefficient should be listed first in the answer choices.  Each correct pair of factors will reveal a piece of the puzzle.   Factoring Not 1 Puzzle

Factoring Trinomials

 In this activity, students will factor trinomials with a leading coefficient of 1.  There are 12 questions in this activity to factor.  It is particular in how answers are input, students will need to try both ways if the first factor doesn't make it appear.  For example, (x+2)(x-3) or (x-3)(x+2). Factoring Pixel Art

Equations of a Circle Puzzle

  This is a 12 question activity which reveals a puzzle piece each time a student answers a question correctly. The first 6 questions the students need to find the center of the circle. For the remaining 6 questions, the students must state the radius. Equations of a Circle Puzzle