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Showing posts from August, 2021

Connections Matter

  I wanted to share a story with you all.  Last week was our first week of school and this year I'm teaching it all through zoom.  Similar to in person the first day had its glitches and didn't go fully as planned.  The rest of the week went well with our getting to know you activities and how to sessions.  I switched up technology and was ready to try something new for week 2.  As I started to let people into class yesterday one of my students asked me a question, keep in mind, that I've only known these students for 1 week.  The student messaged me in the chat "Mrs. Booth, you look sad, are you okay?"   I may be a veteran teacher but that doesn't exclude me from technology problems, long to do list, or hoping lessons go as planned.  Through a computer screen the student could sense this before we even finished our SEL question of the day.  Her question threw me off, it made me stop worrying if the new technology was going to work ...

Digital Counters

  I am teaching 7th grade this year and we are discussing integers with counters.  This is a virtual activity and could be printed to use in the classroom if you have physical counters.  Once they represent the expression with the counters they use the x's to mark off zero pairs.  I included a video if you want to make your own counters.  Adding and Subtracting Integers with Counters Activity

Creating a Tile Reveal

  The video below shows you how to create a tile puzzle template such as the one above.  This is a fun way to mix up from using pixel art but still provide the students with instant feedback and positive messages.   Desert Template

Tile Puzzle Template

  I know teacher's aren't supposed to have favorite students but sometimes you do.  The quote above is one that means a lot to me.  My first year teaching middle school I had a student who was super sarcastic among other things.  We got along great but she was misunderstood by many.  At Christmas time, she gave me a picture she had drawn of the forest and wrote on it, all who wonder are not lost.  I felt like that picture described her so well and it meant so much.   A friend, Michelle Westbay, took the above picture.  I wanted to put that quote on this activity because this picture reminds me of that student.  This is a template that you can use for whatever subject or topic you are teaching.  Video directions are included when you make a copy.   All Who Wonder Template

Midpoint and Template

The first activity has students find the midpoint given a set of ordered pairs.  Some of the answers are decimals.  They must use correct notation when answering so answers should have parenthesis and a comma. The second activity is a template which you can make into whatever you need.  When you make a copy you will see written directions or a video on how to update it.  Finding Midpoint Pixel Art Pencil Pixel Art  

Padlet Wall

I love to have competitions in my classroom and Padlet walls make them easy to do virtually.  If you are in person you can also do this.  Last year, we had a gingerbread man competition this way.  The students drew, created, baked, or somehow came up with a gingerbread man.  I learned a lot about my students during these competitions, one of my students is an amazing artist and we could see her drawings this way, some of my students loved to bake and we were able to see their creations.  The video will show you how to use the padlet wall set up.   After the voting ended, I had them prove it was their creation.  This allowed them to show off their work while also letting the post be anonymous so no one voted based on who they liked.   If your school is doing SEL(social, emotional, learning) padlets are a great way for kids to express themselves without others knowing who said it.    

Midpoint Task Cards

In this activity students are finding the midpoint given a set of ordered pairs.  This activity can be done online or printed.  There are 20 total cards in the set. Finding Midpoint Task Cards  

Padlet Stream

  I started using Padlet some last year with the pandemic.  This year I am teaching 100% virtual all year so I am increasing my use of it.  I wanted to share one of the ways I use Padlet in my classroom.  I use the stream to get information from the students.  I like to use this as a warm-up activity to gauge what they already know or thoughts they already have.  There is a limit now of 3 padlets before you have to pay but your school may be willing to purchase it.  

Langley Federal Grant 2021-2022

  The Langley Federal Grant is one of the easiest grants I've ever applied for.  The process is very simple and short.  I would suggest creating an Amazon wish list for your supplies, I did that and when I received the grant I just moved the items into my cart.  While they appreciate pictures of the grant materials used they don't require it, this rare for grants.  If you have questions let me know, here's the link directly to the grant . 


  It's that time again, where teachers are preparing their classrooms for students.  The Amazon Wish List makes creating a list for #clearthelist or for a grant very easy.  I use it to track supplies I need for grants and budgeting for a grant.  This past year, we were asked to create a list for teacher appreciation week.  This year, I'm teaching virtually so I made a wish list of items that I would like to have when teaching from home.  It's a great tool to use.  

Welcome Back Apple

  This is a template that you came making into whatever you plan to start the year with.  A video is included on the template and also below.   Welcome Back Pixel Art Template

Adding and Subtracting Vectors

  This activity is an activity on adding and subtracting vectors.  These are task cards which can be printed or done online.  Before sharing with your students be sure to delete the answers or make a copy and not include that slide. Adding and Subtracting Vectors

New Pixel Art and Tutorials Coming

    Here is a sneak peak at some pixel art I have been working on.   I am working on formatting these into easy to update formats and also videos if you want to learn how to make them.