To start, open a slides presentation and set the layout to blank. From here you can either create your own images or search the web for them. If you are searching the web, make sure to search for transparent images so that your images can have writing or other images placed on top of them.
After selecting your room set-up you can start to insert your content. I like to put in a whiteboard and write the equations on the white board using Equatio. Next, you will need to have a keypad which has the numbers on it or you can create your own. If you are looking for a keypad with inequalities or an equal sign I suggest making your own or copying this one.
Now that you have the content and a keypad you will need to duplicate the slide based on the number of answer options. You have to duplicate based on total digits instead of questions because a -3 is actually two clicks on the keypad(negative sign and the number) unless you have a negative numbers keypad.
3 digits: duplicate 2 times
4 digits: duplicate 3 times
5 digits: duplicate 4 times
If the first question is what is 4 times 4, the answer is 16. So you will need a slide that accepts 1 as an answer and a slide that accepts 6 afterwards.
After you duplicate go back to original slide and select the rectangle shape. Cover the the entire slide with the rectangle and click link in the tool bar. Click Link and connect each slide to the next slide's number; do not link to next slide as it will mess it up when you duplicate again. After you do the whole slide repeat this process for the slides you duplicated. After your final slide, insert a "Sorry. Try again." slide and link the last slide to this. The "Sorry. Try Again." slide will need to be linked back to the first question slide.
Once you have done all the slides, we need to link the correct answers to the appropriate slides. To do so, we will duplicate the slides... again... except for the "Sorry. Try Again." slide. Go back to the first question slide and you will put a small rectangle or shape over the correct answer on the keypad. Link this shape to the first slide after "Sorry. Try again." Be sure to make it the shape and its border transparent. Repeat this process for each of the remaining slides. At the end of all the correct slides put in a "Congrats!" slide or "Good Job!" slide and link the last correct answer to this slide. At this point you can insert another question or they can be done. You will follow this process for each of your questions.
Test your links each time you finish a section. This will allow you to catch any mistakes if they occur along the way instead of trying to fix them at the end.
I was making a long division worksheet for my students in Google Docs when I realized that it wasn't under equations. Here's how to insert it. This does not look very pretty so I have another video on how I do it in Google Sheets which takes longer but looks nicer.
This template is set for 3 sets of answers. I have the answers that are currently set, you will need to reformat them to use with your content. Baby Yoda Pixel Art Template Be on the lookout for this activity given 2 ordered pairs and asking for slope, y-intercept, and the equation of a line. I'm also formatting this for converting between percents, decimals, and fractions. If you want to reformat it before I post the above activities here is how.
My secondary students are still at an age to enjoy cut and paste worksheets. This is how I create a template to quickly make a cut and paste worksheet on a template for them. A template is super helpful to use as you can make a copy any time you want a new topic in that style of activity.
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