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DonorsChoose Match Offers


If you are looking to get supplies for a project or activity but don't want to ask people for donations, currently has 2 match offers that will get you $100 for completing each.  First you need an account if you don't have one you can start here: 

Time is very important when it comes to match offers as funding is limited.  The first match offer is CS First Unplugged.  The activity has videos to help students through the process of simple coding.  Once atleast 10 of your students completed the activity, you can submit a form about the activity and earn the $100.  I typically do the CS activities because they are easy for students to follow, this one has an activity on coding an emoji.  I know class time is tight so I put the information out there and then incentive with a piece of candy, music break, or something the student enjoys for a few minutes in exchange for doing an activity outside of classwork.  

The second activity is an hour long Professional Development(PD) on various topics.  They emailed this out, if you didn't get the email, I can forward it to you just let me know  After completing the PD you fill out a form and get the $100 along with a certificate for PD credit. 

These are 2 quick ways to get money for a project or activity that you are interested in completing without seeking out funds from others.  


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